Aromatherapy For Migraine Headache

Close to 18% of American women will suffer at least one migraine headache A year. These painful headaches are usually accompanied by nausea or visual symptoms such as flashing lights or dark circles in the field of vision. Migraines are caused by expansion of the blood vessels in the head. This excruciating and serious headache can be prevented by reducing stress. Stress can cause the expansion of blood vessels in the head which results in all that pain. Migraine headaches are usually treated with numerous chemical based pain killers, with some even causing side effects.
Headache pain relief is usually done by using over the counter medications that are easily accessible. However, these products don’t permanently cure headaches and sometimes leave some nasty side effects, think of over the counter medications as a bandaid…it truly only covers the wound temporarily. Over time, like many things, medication can lose its effectiveness if taken too frequently as the body becomes tolerant to it.

Today, to avoid side effects, many are looking for natural alternatives to medications. One of the most popular and successful natural headache remedies is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the art of using essential oils. It has been practiced for thousands of years. The liquids are distilled from plant materials to aid in better health and well being. Aromatics can be used while getting a massage, soaking in a bath or by simply inhaling them.
Essential oils such as Chamomile, Rosemary, Peppermint and Lavender are some of the most used essential oils to help treat symptoms of headaches. There are combinations of these that also work great as well by using percise measurments of each oil.

There are different methods of using essential oils to help cure a headache. One way is to put two drops of lavender on each temple and relax. Many people find that after about twenty minutes, their headache is gone. Another method by using lavender is to take a facecloth dipped in hot or cold water that contains at least five drops of lavender. Use it as a compress and place it on either the neck or forehead while resting.
Another way would be to use a diffuser. This puts the scent into the air. It can be used for about fifteen to twenty minutes at a time.

If a migraine sufferer is going to try these natural methods, they have to research carefully on how much they should use. Even something natural like aromatic oil must be used in moderation. Make sure to ask your doctor is this could be an option, pregnant women especially must consult their doctor as some essential oils are dangerous during pregnancy. If a person has recurring headaches or their migraine attacks are very painful, it is best to consult with a doctor as well.

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