Relieve Stress With The Breath

Prana, The life force. The breathe is special, aside from obvious reasons of keeping us alive… The breath is extremely healing. sometimes we just gotta slow it down, tune into the breathe rather than the television or news outlets and inhale….exhale….Ahhhhhh Sigh it all out.

Wikipedia states that we breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children breathing faster than adults, Babies may breathe as much as 40 times per minute.
However, we can control our breathing which can help us be more relaxed by breathing in and out longer and deeper. The more we allow our body to be filled by deep breathing, the less stress we will place on our body and mind.

The more we practice our deep and controlled breathing, the more natural it becomes and we can call on it at any time of day to help us through those tired or stressed out moments. we need to create this space within our bodies for a healthier life mentally and physically.


Here is a great breathing exercise to help deepen and slow down your breath to help you in those stressful moments:

1. Sit or lie down on your back, feel free to make yourself comfortable by placing a pillow under your legs, back or neck.

2. Place your right hand on your belly.

3. Inhale through your nose slowly and deeply to the count of four. Feel your belly expand.

4. Hold on to that breath for three – four counts, and then exhale slowly through the mouth to a count of four.

5. Repeat the breathing 4-8 times.

If you feel a bit light headed, reduce the inhale, hold and exhale time to a count you feel more comfortable with. Over time you will work your way to a slower, deeper breath. Begin to feel the stress melt away.

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