Maca Root Powder Benefits

Maca Root Powder grows in south america and has been sought after for many decades. It is part of the radish family and is most found in powder form or supplement.

The medicinal benefits to this amazing super food are endless. The benefits of this beautiful powder include boosting the immune system, helping in sexual dysfunction, increasing energy, increasing fertility, anxiety and most commonly known for it’s hormone balancing magic and it doesn’t hurt that it’s high calcium levels kick milk in the butt. The best part is that is has strong ability to prevent chronic disease in humans.
Jam packed with Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Iron Zinc, Magnesium & Amino acids making this one of the most amazing super foods around.

A few reasons to add Maca Root Powder to your diet

Maca is said to aid in controlling estrogen levels which makes this super food beneficial for women in menopause as well helping in increasing fertility in men and women by aiding in hormonal balance.

Feeling drained? tired? anxious? Maca is great for increasing energy and mood and decreasing anxiety. although there is no caffeine is maca, it is said to have the same affect as coffee just without the side affects coffee tends to leave us with.

How you can take Maca Root Powder

There are so many great ways to add maca into your diet. One of the simplest ways of incorporating maca into your diet would be to take it in supplement form. super easy and fast.

If you’re interested in incorporating it into your meals here are a few ways you can do so.
  • Smoothies, tea and shakes
  • Deserts: Adding it to your cake mix or sprinkle it over your chia seed pudding.
  • Breakfast: Add maca to your pancake and waffle batter. It also mixes in well with oatmeal.
  • Supper: Add it to sauces or sprinkle it over salads

You truly have endless options, find ones that work for you and are most enjoyable and start enjoying the amazing benefits maca has to offer.