It’s Okay To Not Be A People Person

Ever since i can remember i have been an extreme introvert from the time i would walk into grade 1 balling my eyes out every morning, even going as far as to accidentally kick my teacher right in her stomach after she had a hysterectomy while they were trying to drag me into the classroom…It would sometimes take 2 adults to try and bring me into the classroom every morning. i remember it all like it was yesterday. I just wanted to be home away from the kids i had nothing in common with. And now the present moment, where i don’t thirst for company rather i thirst for the sound of silence, nature and that feeling of freedom.

What do i mean by freedom? There’s a sense of freedom knowing i don’t have to keep up with people, live for friends or feel pressured to do things when i do not feel like it.

As an introvert we tend to have different interests and hobbies than the majority of people we cross paths with. It’s another reason why i personally do not have close friends and tend to keep people more at an acquaintance distance. It’s really a choice. The people i meet along my journey in life are to me acquaintances as i don’t intend to hang out with them on a daily basis, chat over the phone or text with them all the time. I simply don’t have the urge for that, My energy isn’t there…I don’t need that constant human contact.

People ask if i get “bored”…I do not know what “bored” means. I love calm situations, calm people, reading

, enjoying nature, etc. I don’t need the go, go ,go life of always having to do something, talk or be around people.

I’m also asked what do i do all day? As if i’m curled up in a corner rocking back and forth hiding myself from the outside world in terror. LOL… Seriously though, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Although i loveeee being in the comfort of my own home reading a book or just doing work. I do love being outdoors, going on outings and adventures, spending time with family and pets, going for dinner, traveling, looking flyyyyy, working out and heading to yoga. I am a full functioning human being! I know, shocker right? I just enjoy being a solo soldier in this crazy world of different personalities.

To others having an invitation to hangout or do something isn’t a big deal but to introverts this could be a really stressful situation. It’s stressful because we are so scared to hurt someones feelings by saying no. I’ve fought with myself forever trying to please others, putting myself in situations i truly did not want to be in and having to be there and dread every moment of it. not because of the person but because that’s just not who i am. I don’t want to talk and force conversation, smile at things i don’t find funny or be somewhere i don’t want to be. I much rather be home relaxing or enjoying nature with family or a significant other doing something i have real interest in with the people who understand me and have that common interest as well.

People often feel sad for me and give me a pity look as if i’m lonely or miserable without friends. I hope that this blog helps extroverts understand that being an introvert may be miserable for them but to us it’s, excuse my language…. delightful as fuck.

I love when people give me that sad look as if i’m sick because i’m introverted. “Hopefully you’ll get passed this and feel better soon” or “wanna talk about solutions to help you over come this?” HAHA! ok i’m actually having a good laugh right now.

Back on a serious note. FYI, this isn’t an issue, nor something anyone can over come…This is who we are, and we love every second of it.

The good old saying “It’s not you…it’s me” couldn’t relate more than to the life of an introvert. Not wanting to hangout or talk on a daily basis is not because i don’t think you are radder than rad or cooler than cool. It’s simply just me. There is nothing wrong with me, i just love keeping to myself. The way an extrovert feels when they need to do something or be around people is how i feel when i need to be away from people.

I used to be so shy to say no when someone would ask me to hang out. i’d feel pressured, almost backed into a corner because i really didn’t want to but i also didn’t want to hurt their feelings as it wasn’t about them it was just me and my introvert-ness. Recently it took it’s toll on me being someone who tries to please others instead of pleasing myself. I decided that i will live my life how i want and if i do not want to be around people, or do something i didn’t want to do i will be honest a true and flat out say “No thank you”. We need to stop living for others and start living for ourselves. What makes you happy? Find your strength and allow yourself to be happy and stress free. Stop feeling guilty or feeling like you are doing something wrong by saying no.

Be unapologetically introverted.