7 Class Yoga Challenge For Overall Health

This is a FREE 7 class yoga challenge tailored to help you maintain overall health and well-being.

Why Should I Do This 7 Day Yoga Challenge?

This yoga challenge offers 7 classes tailored toward maintaining overall health and well-being through various styles of yoga like chair yoga, detox yoga, to name a few. These classes are perfect for those who would like to turn to yoga for a bit of self care and recharge.

What Props Do I Need To Use This Series?

This series doesn’t use many props but i will always recommend the use when needed as every-body is unique and needs to access poses and be supported in their practice differently.

Some things to have near by:

  • 2 Blocks (Alternatives: Stack books and tightly secure them with tape)
  • 4 or more Pillows (Alternatives: Large folded blankets)
  • Yoga Strap (Alternatives: Belt, Long Sheet, Long Sleeve Sweater)
  • MUST HAVE Chair

What Are The Classes?

Now that you got all the details, i invite you to join me on the journey to feeling your best!